Getting Started

If you suspect your child is having difficulty reading, call us to schedule a screening.  If you are unsure, check these warning signs and call.  Early intervention is important. We use the best research-based programs to help all students with reading and writing, even without any diagnosis of a learning challenge.  In addition, we work…


We offer many services to all our students: Our Plan: Our tutoring program is a one-on-one customized instructional plan based on the needs of each student taught in a nurturing environment.  This may include any of the following programs: We offer tutoring: Frequency: A minimum of two, fifty minute sessions a week is recommended to…



Reprinted with prior written permission from Susan Barton, Founder, Bright Solutions for Dyslexia.   A dyslexic child needs accommodations in school and at home.  In addition, there are many steps a parent can take to support their child in getting the help they need. Classroom Accommodations Homework Accommodations What can parents do? It is important to…