Frequently Asked Questions
The Dyslexia Warning Signs sound a lot like my child. Now what?
If you think your child could benefit from specialized instruction with a reading tutor, please call to schedule a screening for tutoring. We’d welcome the opportunity to talk to you and learn more about your child.
(904) 984-3333
Do you need to have a formal diagnosis of dyslexia before starting tutoring?
With a properly screened student, a formal diagnosis of dyslexia is not necessary for tutoring to be effective. However, if you’re planning to have your child diagnosed, doing so within six months of the start of tutoring is strongly recommended since effective tutoring will impact learning disability diagnosis results.
How often will my child need to meet with a private reading tutor?
A minimum of 2 fifty minute sessions a week to see any significant change in ability; however, we recommend three or more sessions a week.
How long will it take to see results?
You can expect to begin to see slow steady progress within three months after the start of tutoring. It’s common to first see a change in attitude and self-confidence followed by a steady improvement in reading skills and reading pleasure, with fluency being the last thing to improve.
I have hired a reading tutor, now what do I do?
Tutoring is only part of the solution for bringing a student’s reading skills up to grade level. As a parent or guardian, you’ll continue to be your child’s best and strongest advocate. Please continue to read to your child at home, work with your child’s teacher, and provide your child the tools he/she may need to improve such as books on tape, keyboard, dictation, homework assistance etc.
How much will it cost?
$60-75 depending on services needed.
How long will my child need tutoring?
It depends on your child; however, you should expect anywhere from 1 to 3 years commitment.
Is the time and expense really worth it?
Hiring a certified Orton-Gillingham based reading tutor is a big commitment for your child and family but the rewards are significant and life-changing! Reading is a gift that lasts a lifetime!